Today I found the ultimate gem of glitz and glamour:
Holy shit! My M80 days return! A true Discomagic classic. Supertrack & DJ Company's remake of The Cutting Crew's "(I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight." A disturbing Eurotrash anthems for all to dance and enjoy.
Clearly recorded near the far end of Italodisco's late 90's revival, Supertrack do nothing more but remake a true 80's classic to sound possessively nasal. Though nothing was gained from its 1993 release, I do take pride in having the pleasure of sharing with you some of the purest shit ever made. Labelling it Italohouse would be unfit as the tempo falls more into line with "uplifting Eurohaus" (obvious contradiction), a genre that profited from fast to market remakes of modern day pop hits. I even recall Coca Cola Theme being re-made into a hands in the air classic.
For those interested in more info on this Discomagic release, visit where we can be further reminded of its tasty details.
Feel free to email me for crispy AAC rips of this should have been forgotten crappic.
Worse than my admittance to owning this CD is the shame in knowing there are more like it. I'll have to dig up and share some of my infamous ZYX classics.
js, you love this!