I have hit a dark stumbling block in my daily listening participation.
The last two months of winter have droned me to musical submission. I work what many consider to the be the superior schedule: Noon-8p. For night howls (which I still consider myself), it supposedly allows us the freedoms of late mornings and late evenings, but recently, it has caused me a much shorter day than I care to have.
I end up waking myself at 10am, spending an hour prepping for work, going to work, and end up taking the subway to Davis Square in the pitch black of night. Once I enter my apt., I eat dinner, sit on the couch, try to read the WSJ, and tend to fall asleep. Normal for some, but awfully boring for my musical satisfaction.
Lets get back to that T ride and the black nightfall. Dark walks lead my ears to prefer dark and drony music. I have my fair share of somber favorites, but being as its the only time I listen to music alone, I am walking myself home from Davis in a gloom of musical despair. The Darkness it is not.
Trust me, I have tried to tune the iPod to some happy and positive vibes (Dr Dre - The Chronic) but none of that happy shit keeps me focused like the drone. In fact, my ears tire in the dark when I attempt to listen outside of the gloomy prog rock. A personal dilemma it is becoming.
Group question: Am I the only person who's music flavor is compressed to one measly format when the weather gets dark or am I falling into a bad case of seasonal disorder? I really need to know...
(For the record: I am an avid snowboarder and love the cold; but the lack of daylight disrupts me more than any seasonal changes. Spring could not come soon enough for me...)