Thursday, August 07, 2003

More compression
With my CD's now properly stored,the time has come to re-examine why my 10GB iPod is full. The nemesis of the iPod looks to be the 192MP3.
Running out of room on this device was something I never thought would happen, but it has. in the beginning of my love affari with the iPod, I promised it that I would never allow for anything lower than 192MP3 to be decoded by the device. To my dismay, the "standard" MP3 encoding rate is a space killer. It sounds better than the lower rates. Hands down. Luckily Apple may be changing all that with AAC. Smaller files that sound comprable to 192? Even I didnt believe it until I tested.

After a long ordeal A/B sampling a variety of music between 128/160AAC and 192MP3, I can honestly say that I really dont hear a difference. 128AAC really sounds as good as a 192MP3; at least to my ears No arguments please. This is simply what I have concluded.

So as much as it irks me, I am re-encoding everything slowly (sans the Radiohead records and my MFSL CDs which will stay at 320MP3) into Apple's preferred 128AAC format. Some quick math show me to be emancipating about 2GB of space. Easily 50 more CDs into the iPod. I hope the ordeal is worth it. Pray for me...

Monday, August 04, 2003

Jack White's Finger Fix Video
A not so nauseaus photo and video profile of The White Stripe's own Jack White getting a couple of screws put into his finger. Thanks for sharing Jack!

Sunday, August 03, 2003

In my condo (like any condo in the city), space is an issue. For that reason, we build from the ceiling down in order to preserve precious floor space. Allocating CD space has never been an elegant project, but we finally agreed on a 550 easy access limit. I still have space for about 40 more... choosing IS becoming easier with age, but still not pleasurable. Behold "the dropform wall of sound."